Love Is …


Love Is …

Love is a deep breath

An open heart

A smile of ever-new joy

Love is all there is

So why look for something more

When it’s right inside of you

Love is Right Here and Right Now

We are loving this

Love is a Soul Hero

Loving everything all the time

It’s heart opening

Divine mother

Love is this Present Moment

A beloved heart

And deep peace.

Love is Healing light

Ever New Joy

Spirit Bliss

Love is everywhere

And in everything

Love is Divine Oneness

Loving Surrender


Love is Kindness


And Stillness

Love is Peace


And Acceptance

Love is Self Compassion


And Soul Bliss


Spiritual Growth is Like a Rose


It’s amazing what nature can teach us. I was gazing at a long stemmed Red Rose today and began thinking of my Spiritual Growth. When I began my journey, I was nothing more than a tight ball, unable or unwilling to open to the fullness of life. A yoga practice gave me the opportunity to grow.

I began my yoga practice with asana classes. The classes allowed me to stretch my body in ways I hadn’t before. I was fortunate to have yoga teachers who themselves led spiritual lives. Their yoga classes embodied the first four steps of Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras: Yamas, Niyamas, asana and pranayama. A short discourse on non-violence, truthfulness, non-stealing, abstinence, non-greed, purity, contentment, not causing pain, spiritual study and surrender opened each class. It amazed me that no matter what class I attended, it seemed that the teacher was speaking directly to me. Yes, I needed to practice truthfulness, open my heart to loving what is and let go of expectations. How did he know?

As the months and years rolled by, that tight rose bud began to open, petal by petal. As the vibrant red of the rose became visible, my true self began to emerge. I began to attend yoga workshops and retreats, sipping the nectar of awareness. Mantra and chanting took the place of rock, jazz and pop music. Years later, I attended my first yoga teacher training. I began to smell the scent of the rose. Asana and meditation became a daily practice. I began reading the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali and the Bhagavad Gita. The words of these Holy Scriptures were difficult to understand, but with each reading, the truth began to reveal itself. I continued attending retreats and additional yoga teacher training.

Throughout this time I’d feel as if I was accomplishing a deeper awareness of my true self. At other times, events swirling around me plunged me to despair. I continued to let go of things that no longer served my true self. As time went on, I noticed that outside influences didn’t have as much of an affect on me. I changed yoga teachers, practiced different meditation and pranayama. Now the outside petals of the rose are turning back. The inner petals are awakening to the sun.

As I gaze at those inner petals, I realize that I remain a child in my spiritual growth. Yes, in some ways I may have traveled far, but there is so much more to experience, so much more to surrender, so much more to be grateful for, so much more to love.

I invite everyone reading these words to take a moment and reflect on your own spiritual journey.


Love Is … Everything


Last night began for me a journey into Love.  It was the opening ceremony of a 2 ½ day retreat called Immersion in Love.  At the ceremony, we married our Soul to Spirit.

So many people talk about Love.  Musicians sing about it, poets write about.  All Holy Scriptures are filled with instructions on how to Love.  But what is it really?

Love is the core of our being.  It is our True Self.  Love is our connection with Spirit.  So the bigger question is why can’t we Love all the time?

For this weekend, wherever you are, I invite you to open your heart to love.  You can find love anywhere you look – in the eyes of a family member, in the embrace of a friend, in nature, in a pet.  All you need to do is open your heart and Love.  Sing a song about Love.  Read a poem about Love.  Say I Love You to someone.  Be Immersed in Love.

Love, Love, Love.  All you need is Love.
