Kirtan or Chanting


Are you looking for a way to focus the mind that’s fun and involves singing? Then Kirtan is what you are looking for. Over the last several years, Kirtan has become popular across the country. If you’ve gone to a yoga class, chances are that some vocal artist is chanting in the background or maybe your yoga teacher brings his guitar or harmonium and begins and ends the class with a bit of chanting.

I had the opportunity to attend Bhakti Fest in Joshua Tree, CA in 2011. That to me was Kirtan at it’s finest with many of my favorite artists: Krishna Das, Donna De Lory, Girish, Shantala, GuruGanesha and others. Now there is a Shakti Fests in Joshua Tree May 16-18 and Bhakti Fests in the Midwest (Madison, WI) June 20-22, and in the West (Joshua Tree) September 4-7. More recently Kundalini enthusiasts have started their own festivals with Sat Nam Fests sprouting up around the country. Sat Nam Fest West is coming to Joshua Tree April 17-20. There’s also a Sat Nam Fest East schedule in Waynesboro, PA October 8-14. If you love to Kirtan, attending one of these festivals is a total immersion into devotion to the Divine.

Many of these artists chant sacred mantras in Sanskrit or Gurmukhi while others sing devotional songs in English. Either way, chanting has a way of emptying your mind of all your thoughts and filling it with love. I especially enjoy the beat of the Tablas and other percussion instruments. So, if you are headed to one of these festivals, you might just see me sitting next to you and chanting my heart out.

Jai Ma!


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