Become A Smile Millionaire


How often do we smile? Smiling is an outward expression of inner joy and happiness. We tend to smile when we see the innocence of a baby or when we see or hear something funny, but true happiness comes from within. It’s the energy in the second chakra just below the navel. So what makes us happy? Many of us look to external desires to make us happy. We want more money, better health, expensive vacations. But fulfilling external desires are fleeting. Once we obtain those desires, we are hungry again for other external desires. So why do we waste our time and effort on fleeting happiness? It’s our unruly egos. Our ego makes us think that these external desires will bring us happiness. We smile for a while then noticed that we are once again not satisfied. We want more.

So does that mean that all desires are bad or fleeting? No. Spiritual desires, like a desire to know Spirit more deeply through meditation is a desire that comes from a yearning for inner joy and happiness. When the mind and ego are quiet, we begin to feel that sense of inner joy and happiness. Then without effort, we notice ourselves smiling more frequently. And when we smile, we notice others smiling back. We become more attractive when we smile. Our stress level decreases. When we smile, we notice ourselves laughing more which boosts our immune system. Smiling just feels good. So what are we waiting for? Let’s all become Smile Millionaires.


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